Tuesday, 26 January 2016

The corruption of wanting to heal people.

Hello readers, another fine day to share some thing I have found for you.

It has been said for a long time that our society doesn't have a justice system but a legal system, with loopholes and twisted laws that haven't been address for centuries as times. 

The same can really be said for the medical industry. 

At it appears the foundation to both these industries would appears to be greed, agenda and reputation. I cannot work out though it is because we have allowed this to happen, or if we have just all been hoodwinked for decades and just never been the wiser to what has been happening behind the curtain. 

I recently came across an eye opening documentary called The Widowmaker which talked about the increasing epidemic of heart attacks in the USA and how two life altering breakthroughs were made in the early 1980s and how industry ended up using these two breakthroughs.

In all honesty it is rather scary how Health Care has been come a commodity and what treatments get to the people that need it is what will make the most money for the companies developing it. Doctors are also paid by these companies to use their products and endorse them over other methods that could be just as effective and in many cases preventative for future ill health.

Then there is the argument of health cover and health insurance, which I really do not want to go into because it affects me directly at the moment. Public health resources should not be so difficult to get, it really shouldn't. Currently I have to wait 4 weeks to see an orthopedic surgeon about a serious knee injury which I was told 2 months a go would heal up fine in 4 weeks. I can't even get a second opinion because all the other orthopedic surgeons work in the private sector, which means they won't even see me if I do not have private health cover.

Health care as a commodity...

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Entertainment in Animal Cruelty.

Hello readers, I trust you are all well.

Today's share it a tough one. Tough but something relevant to our current modern social climate. Animal shows as entertainment for us humans.

I recently watched Tyke Elephant Outlaw and informate documentary about an African Elephant who had a mental break, killed it's trainer and then ran around Honolulu who was then shot over 80 times and finally died.  The saddest part was that no one listened to Tykes trainer who 13 months prior said she should not be used in any shows. She was then loaded on a ship in cramped quarters for 4 days. Then she and the other elephants were chained up before and after the shows. Of course the corporate agency that owned the animals made public statements that this has never happened, which the documentary when on to show that these types of incidences did infact occur leading up to Honolulu show.

We have heard this before, we have heard this story in Black Fish which documented the history of Tilikum the Orca/Killer Whale who had killed to date 3 people, which included one of his trainers. This documentary also went as far to show the conditions that the Orcas were kept in during non show times. Of course again the corporate entity that owns the animals deny regularly any mistreatment and go as far as to say that the animals love doing the shows, this sentiment was also expressed in the documentary about Tyke the elephant. At which point you have to ask your self, if a self aware animal - human or otherwise - was locked up all day, made to do trick and wear a party hat would they be happy to live that life?

Human slavery was abolished many years ago but we are still deluding ourselves that we can own "lesser" species.  What gives us the right? What gives us the right to train horses, and dogs to race to human greed? 

The most deplorable of all the corporate arguments was the attitude that these animals were being saved from extinction by capturing them and putting on shows for audiences. The shows were educational and allowed the people there to see the shows what these animals are like in the wild. What a joke! 

For the last 6 years I have also come to a realisation that with all our modern invention we still have zoos, holding animals in captivity for humans to gawk at. Animals should not be held captive at all. They are not here for our entertainment or pleasure, but rather their very own existence to be carried out of their own choosing.  For decades now I have had the luxury of being able to watch some stunning documentaries on a variety or animals in their habitats, many of which have been Attenborough BBC shows. 

My personal beliefs do also extend to having pets for myself. While I understand that many people want pets and feel the need for companionship. Working dogs on farms are a different matter, just to be clear. I get upset when I see pets becoming depressed because their human/s have gone away. I personally believe I could not put an animal through that kind of distress for my own selfish desire to have subservient companionship. Please do not think that I judge other on my personal beliefs as I do not.

I will conclude this post with a positive note. For the last few months I have been following a particular instagrammer who at first I just thought put up wonderful videos and photos of big cats. After a while I started to actually research the foundation that the photos and videos were from. Black Jaguar White Tiger. It is incredible what Eduardo Serio has been doing. He has such a passion for rescuing these big cats from hotels, petting zoos, circus shows, etc. Then I found information about the efforts he is going to, to end captive animals Mexico. The foundation is building a sanctuary for these animals to live out their days. 

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Recurring Miscarriage of Justice.

Hello readers and welcome to some thing I have found that I wish to share.

Over the last few weeks I have been making my way through some documentaries that some me very worried and disappointed with society at large.

I have been interested in criminology for a very long time and have watched and read a lot of information on serial killers to your one time killers.  Most of the documentaries I have watched have been the account of the crime and the killer's mental state, alone with the subsequent punishment of the crime committed. Lately, however, many documentaries that I have come across have been about the false incarceration of someone who did not do the crime.

An Unreal Dream: The Mike Morton Story
The Central Park Five
Making a Murderer
Stories from Death Row
West Memphis Three
Death By Fire

It is disturbing that with all our science and irrifutable evidence that is discovered and authenticated by specialists that appeals courts and other law agencies deny wrongfully convicted men their chance of freedom again and again. The system needs to change in a massive way.



When you hear the word Gremlin you think of the 1984 movie with furry creature that you don't get wet and do not feed after midnight. In fact the Gremlins were created in 1943 by the talented Roald Dahl for Walt Disney. The story was created to be a feature length animated movie but it got scrapped.

I was able to get hold of some of the figures.

I really wish the this Gremlins story had of been made, because it looks like it would have been wonderful. It is however wonderous that the figures were actually made.
There are more to the collection which I found on line but I liked these ones the best.